View Profile NinjaOnFire

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Recent Movie Reviews

12 Movie Reviews

Pretty Good.

Fairly funny, but a few of them are a little cliche, the drawing is okay, but my only real suggestion is just work making the animation, like movement a little better. Keep trying though!

Pretty simple, but that doesn't always mean bad.

I gotta say, I envy people like you for your drawing skills...
But envy aside, I liked the music, becuase it seemed just right for the type of movie. I also liked the picture itself. Sooo... I give it a pretty decent score, and look forward to future work.

DrSkippy responds:

Thanks. As for the music, it is from a sonic game so it should suit it pretty well. = ]


First off, on my lists, you are high ranking for Newgrounds artists!
And I do have to say, lack of music kinda docked you points, but still a very nice movie. Since I liked your movie, I'll be nice, and tell you to check out flashkit dot com for music and sound loops. Keep up the excellent work, just add some music and you may one day find your self on the Frontpage!

ColonelStrawberry responds:

Thank you very much!!
I've been holding off posting this animation on the internet for so long because i could never find any music! I'll have to check flashkit.com then, thanks for the advice :)

Recent Game Reviews

3 Game Reviews

Pretty good, but make it longer

Make it longer and harder because it only took me 3 minutes to beat it and I didnt die once.

Thank you so much for making this!!!

I never new making a preloader could be so easy!If it wasn't for this, i would still be using the Newgrounds preloader!

Pretty good, but there are a couple bad things.

It's not that i'm saying this is the worst, but i'm not saying this is the best. This game could be a lot better if you slowed it down because it's almost impossible to tell what's going on. You could also add some health cartridges, and have more attacks to choose from.


Joined on 5/9/04

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